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Gymnastics by JUST SPORTS AND FITNESS strives to give children the best possible start to life.  With a curriculum based around fundamental physical literacy, gymnastics is the basis of all human movement


Our participants start as young as babies and carry on through kinder gym and then enter into a recreational stream deisgned to improve the 4 skill pillars of physical literacy: Physical, Psychological, Cognitive and Social development.

No matter what path your child takes in life, Gymnastics by JUST SPORTS AND FITNESS will help give your child the very best start. 


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classes out now

Classes are now live and able to be booked in.  As you have registered your interest first, we have drafted up the first release of classes able to be booked in.  If these classes fill up, then further classes may be released at different times throughout the week.  You can make a payment over the phone and reserve your spot, or come in to see the friendly staff to book and may payment. 

Due to the public holidays, we will start the year with a 9 week term starting Monday the 1st of February.  
The cost for term 1 this year are as follows:
Kinder gym (under 5’s)                              $120 for the term, plus $20 Queensland Gymnastics annual affiliation fee

Prep and older (AWARD’s program)         $150 for the term, plus $30 Queensland Gymnastics annual affiliation fee

Our phone number is (07) 3437 8588

Our address is 235 Smiths Rd Redbank (just look for the large pink sign opposite the Redbank Plaza)

Trading hour are

Monday-Friday 5:30am-8:00pm

Saturday-Sunday 8:00am-3pm

Colorful Drawings Weekly Learning Schedu
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© 2021 JUST | Creating Lifestyles with Health, Fitness & Entertainment

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